Our Mission
Our name is more than just a name: with every word, it displays the core of who and what we want to be, from our home in Cleveland County to the rest of the world. Rooted out of our mission to help people far from God find Hope in God, our name shows the three core values of our DNA.

Give Hope
We strive to make sure that every person who comes to us leaves believing that the best is yet to come. We do this in three ways:
Believing everyone is a gift, and has gifts to give gifts (II Cor. 9:11, I Peter 4:10).
Realizing hopelessness looks different to everyone (Rom. 5:5).
Knowing that Jesus is the Only Hope (John 14:6).
We believe we are called as believers to give the hope of the gospel every day of the week. From our Sunday Services to our workplaces and daily lives, we have the opportunity to make disciples by giving hope in every interaction.

Create Community
We want everyone who we interact with to be able to live life in community, with Jesus Christ and with others. (Matt. 22:37-39). We Believe:
Grace creates community (Hebrews 4:16, 12:14-15; Romans 5:1-2).
Humility creates community (Phil. 2:3-5).
Circles creates community (Acts 2:42-47, 4:32-37)
Community is not just a core value of our church, but of our faith. We seek to create community by getting people involved in Community Groups where they can build relationship through fellowship, prayer, and conversation. In addition, relationships grow through events, service, and interactions. Ultimately, the goal is to build relationships that help spread the gospel.

Be the Church
We believe that the church is far more than simply a building where people come, sit, and sing once a week. We believe the church is a group of people who have been called by Jesus to come together, and to go out. We always strive to:​
Serve others as Christ first served us (Phil. 2:1-15)
Engage the world around us with the hope of the gospel, whether we are at a church campus or not (1 Peter 2:12)
Seek the good of our community (Jer. 29:7)
Christ has called us to love others the way He has loved us. One of the best ways we can show that love is through service, and seeking opportunities to be the hands and feet of Jesus in our community. We do this through local and global ministries, monthly Labor of Love projects, and more. Ultimately, our goal is that people would see the way we live our lives and be led to the Hope of the gospel through it.