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Our desire to help people far from God find hope in God through the message of the gospel saturates everything we do as a church, including our generosity. We believe that we have been called by the Scriptures to give cheerfully and sacrificially for the work of the gospel. This call to give extends to everything we have; our time, our talents, and our treasures. By giving together in this way as a church family, it allows us to be part of something bigger than ourselves.
Here at Hope, we use a OneFund approach, which just means that every gift given to the mission and vision of our church goes into one fund. This OneFund is then used to fund our total operating budget for the year. We believe our OneFund approach allows us to use everything that is given to the church for everything that God has called us to do. That means with every dollar you give to support Hope Community Church, you are supporting the gospel work being done in things like our Sunday morning worship services, our kids and student ministries, our involvement in our community, and our international church planting networks. Thank you for your continued generosity that enables us to be a part of God transforming lives through the power of the gospel, both here in Cleveland County and all around the world.

Text to Give
You can give anytime anywhere with a single text. Simply text a dollar amount to 84321 (Ex. "$100").
Best Way to Give Electronically


2.15% + 0.30¢
Other Ways to Give
Check or Cash
You can always give by check (made payable to Hope Community Church) or cash. We have a time of giving during each weekend service, or you can mail your gift to:
Hope Community Church
1114 S Lafayette Street
Shelby, NC 28152
If you choose to give cash, please consider placing it in an envelope with your name and mailing address so we can properly account for it and ensure you are eligible to deduct it on your taxes.
Additional questions?Please email your general giving questions or contact us at (704) 487-7277.
What is the best way to give electronically?We recommend an electronic bank transfer to maximize your gift. Below are the fees that Hope pays for various payment methods. ACH (0.30¢) Debit Card (2.15% + 0.30¢) Credit Card (2.15% + 0.30¢)
If I make a contribution to the church, how do I know where my money is going?We are focusing all of our generosity – tithes, offerings, and gifts – into one fund. The OneFund approach allows us to use everything that is given to the church for everything that God has called us to do. OneFund donations are used to fund our total operating budget. Any donations given to our outside partnerships are excluded from our operating budget, and these donations are sent directly to our ministry partners. If you have any questions, please contact or call (704) 487-7277.
Can I give a cash donation and still get tax-deductible credit?Yes, you can. Place your cash in a sealed and clearly marked envelope with your name, address, and contact information.
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