Austin Miller
Worship Director
Ministry Staff
Life Story
I was born and raised in Thomasville, NC. My father being a pastor I was around church at all times. Naturally, learning all of the right things to say and do, I struggled with being one person while at church and someone else around my friends. All in all I was a good kid, but being “good” couldn’t save me. Everything finally clicked at age 17 and my relationship with God went from the head to the heart. Beginning undergraduate studies at Gardner-Webb University I was planning on going into secondary education. God had been working in my heart for a while, pushing me towards ministry. Like the story of Jonah, I knew where God was calling me, but I began running the opposite direction. But God continued to pursue my heart and remained faithful to me, even when I was unfaithful to him. Graduating from Gardner-Webb left me with a degree in Sport Education and no idea where I was heading. I was at such peace with my relationship with God as he was leading me back to the Shelby area with no job, and no place to stay. It tested me for sure, but God continued to provide what I needed. Long story short, it led me to this position here at Hope Community Church. I couldn’t be more excited to be here. I love people. I love sports. I love music.
My Hope for HCC
My hope for HCC falls right in line with the mission to help people far from God find hope in God. I want to see God transform lives and for people to know and live in the freedom that God has called them to (Galatians 5:1).