Made New
1. What is baptism?
What is Baptism? We say that baptism is an outward expression of an inward change. It's part of your story of following Christ, & provides a way to publicly declare your death to sin and new life in Him (Romans 6:4). Since baptism only serves as a symbol of our relationship with Christ, it has no power to save us from our sins.
2. Why should I be baptized?
We believe there are two main reasons you should take baptism after putting your faith in Christ. First, Jesus modeled it (Matthew 3:16). Jesus began His own public ministry by taking baptism to point to His sacrificial work on the cross. Second, Jesus commanded it (Matthew 28:19-20). Jesus gave the responsibility to all His followers to make disciples and baptize them in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. We are called to follow the example and command of Christ!
3. When should I be baptized?
Once you have placed your faith in Christ and confessed Him as Lord, you are ready to be baptized (Acts 10:44-48). Baptism is a sign of your new relationship with Christ, so it is important for you to tell the world about the change you have experienced. If you haven’t been baptized since starting your relationship with Christ, we want to help you take this next step of obedience.
4. How should I be baptized?
While there are many different ways that people practice baptism, we believe that baptism by immersion is affirmed by the Scriptures (Mark 1:9-10, Acts 8:36-39), and it best communicates the symbolism of our death to sin and being raised to new life in Christ.

Learn More
If you've still got questions about baptism, what it means, and how we celebrate it here at Hope, feel free to contact Pastor Jeremy Peeler.
Baptism Media
If you've been baptized at Hope, hit the link below to download pictures and videos from your celebration!